On Assumptions

On Assumptions
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I suppose one of my pet peeves is when people make assumptions that are based on their beliefs, rather than based on facts, information, and research. I believe that it is possible to deduce possibilities – but not state it as facts – for basis of an assumption.

Assumptions on Race

I would rather not call out anyone to their face as “racist” but I do have a tendency to call people out for making racist remarks. I find that the people who tend to make assumptions are the ones who are ill-informed, or who basically have not had many encounters with a variety of people.

So, I sometimes feel the need to point that out. I have heard some people say things like “oh these people are thieves…” they are not. “These people are always lazy…” not all!

It stresses me out.

Judgement based on photos

I take a lot of pictures wherever I go. Sure, there are picturesque areas, and there are some that are more eye-opening.

When I first moved to Cambodia, I saw so much beauty in the architecture and the vibe that made me take photos of everything. My mom rolled her eyes and said, “what beauty?” She couldn’t see what I saw.

Recently, some people have come to judge Cambodia over photos I share on my Instagram account. Photos, I believe, that show daily life or at least a less glamorous view. But as a result, some people have concluded that Cambodia is as rural as can be.

This is not the case. Cambodia, like many countries, have rural areas and urban areas. I, however, am always an island girl at heart. Nature and bits and pieces of life will always make me smile. My feed, my decisions.

Take my featured photo as an example… it was captured from a moving car as people continued to transact despite the mini flood. This is a reality. At the same time, you can see that urban Phnom Penh is littered with sky scrapers, too.

As they say, there are two sides to a coin.

We cannot help but generate judgement, I suppose. But keep in mind that what you assume based on what is shown may not always be correct.

That is all.