motivational simple inscription against doubts

Change is Constant

As we near the end of the year, can you tell me what challenges you've faced and what changes you've experienced for 2022? A few years ago, I had a…
November Rain

November Rain

We've come to the end of November, and with it comes the tail-end of 2023. Around this time of every year, I frequently experience fatigue and a slight zombie state…

Another Revamp?

I think the problem with my writing is that I often look for images that need to go with a post. Sometimes, its the reverse: I look for words that…

Curious Cats

In a world where there are so many observers, watchers.. *stalkers*, where would you categorize yourself? I ... am... a ninja! But in terms of popularity, I classify myself as…
Fickle Creativity

Fickle Creativity

Creativity is a fickle thing. She's like the waves of the sea on a sunrise painted with pretty hues of pink and lavender, with touches of blue and cyan here…
2021 Round Up

2021 Round Up

So, I did call 2021 a year about a month ago... and then I vanished, right? Well, here I am, stopping by to wrap up 2021. What a year it…